Dnia 16 marca 2024 r. odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja pt.: „Change and Continuity: the Way of Consolidating Democracy”. Przyjęto w całości formułę online. Temat zainteresował wielu specjalistów z Polski, Gruzji, Ukrainy, Iraku oraz Indii.
Za organizację konferencji odpowiadały uczelnie: The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University w Gruzji, Akademia Kultury Społecznej i Medialnej w Toruniu oraz Interregional Academy of Personal Menegament w Kijowie, Ukraina. Partnerem wydarzenia był Regionalny Ośrodek Debaty Międzynarodowej w Toruniu.
Głównym celem konferencji było zaproszenie edukatorów, badaczy, decydentów, praktyków i innych zainteresowanych osób do zbadania ram teoretycznych i praktycznych wymiarów procesu rozwoju instytucji i polityki w kontekście transformacji reżimu i rozwoju demokracji po przełomie i rozwiązaniu Związku Radzieckiego.
Autorzy abstraktów zostali zaproszeni na międzynarodową konferencję w celu dokonania prezentacji i przeprowadzenia dyskusji panelowej dotyczącej następujących tematów:
Cała konferencja została nagrana.
Uczestnicy wyrazili zainteresowanie podobnymi wydarzenia. Wyrazili też chęć udziału w podobnych wydarzeniach w sposób stacjonarny.
12:00-12:15 Opening of the conference - speech by the authorities:
Zdzisław Klafka, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Father Rector of the University of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, Poland
12:15-12:30 Amit M. Lathigara, Dean - Faculty of Technology, RK University, Rajkot, India: Navigating the Winds of Change: Strengthening Democratic Foundations amidst Continuity?
12:30-12:45 Liudmyla Kryva, PhD, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Director of the Center of Scientific Publications Coordination and Development of International Cooperation Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine: Spreading Russian disinformation in the Lublin Triangle countries
12:45-13:00 Sandro Tabatadze, assistant professor: Orbanism in East Europe? Mainstreaming Far right and Eurosceptic rhetoric in Georgia
13:00-13:15 Ipsita Barat, PhD, Head, Mass Communication & Videography Department, Faculty, Film Studies Department, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, India: YRF Spy verse: A Critical Enquire
13:15-13:30 Ramyar Ismael Jamal, PhD, Department of International Relations, Catholic university in Erbil, College of Economy @ Law, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq: From An Economic Perspective, Lessons the Kurdistan Region Can Learn from South Korea?
13:30-13:45 Olena Kovtun, PhD, associate professor of the International Organizations and Diplomatic Service Chair, Scientific and Educational Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: War in Ukraine as challenge for the EU
13:45-14:00 Salome Dundua, associate professor: Civic activism in Georgia: Success and Failure
14:00-14:15 Andriy Pavlovskyi, PhD, Associate Professor, of the Department of International Relations in the Research Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP), Kyiv, Ukraine: Transformation of the labor legislation of Ukraine during the war
14:15-14:30 Jan Wółkowski, PhD, research assistant at the Faculty of Theology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, researcher in the Laboratory of John Paul II (FT NCU, Toruń) researcher in Laboratory of Religious Freedom (2020-2023): Change in education as a continuity of democracy. Religious freedom and its educational dimension as a tool of maintaining peace in Polish schools
14:30-14:45 Zviad Abashidze, associate professor & Nino Samkharadze, PhD candidate: Anthem and national identity: case of Georgia
14:45-15:00 Mykola Yeromin, Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations in the Research Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP) Kyiv, Ukraine: Podcast Politics: How New Media is Changing the Perception of Political Systems
15:00-15:15 Tamar Karaia, Associate Professor, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University: How unarchive soviet archives in Georgia
15:15-15:30 Piotr Lewandowski, PhD, Academy of War Arts in Warsaw, Poland: Technocracy as the highest form of democratic development Mykola Yeromin, Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations in the Research Institute of Psychology and Social Sciences of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP) Kyiv, Ukraine: Podcast Politics: How New Media is Changing the Pereception of Political Systems
15:30-15:45 Inna Semenets-Orlova, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Director of the Educational-Scientific Institute of Management, Economics and Business, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine: Citizenship Patriotism as a New Model of Patriotism: civic education approach
15:45-16:00 Dienis Terzi, Student PhD. Program of International relations, public communications and regional studies of Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine: NATO's Strategic Transformation in the Context of Global Instability
16:00-16:15 Krystian Chołaszczyński, PhD, University of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, Poland: It started in Poland... Systemic transformation in 1989
16:15-16:30 Alice Bakradze, Ilia State University. PhD. Religion and Identity: Armenians in Javakheti. (In the Context of Post-Soviet Georgia’s Religious Transformation)
16:30-16:45 Jan Wiśniewski, PhD, Assoc. Prof., University of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, Poland: Conflict in Ukraine and changes in defense policy in selected European countries (Poland, Latvia, Sweden)
16:45-17:00 Summary of the conference - speech by the authorities